Pinch Killer 4 – Cardiopinch

1 November 2023 - Ore 17:37

We end the year with a new edition of the pinch killer challenge: the cardio pinch!
The athlete must complete the greatest number of repetitions within the time limit of three minutes with a standard pinch block (monolithic GBI or similar) in OHP (one hand) mode, with the possibility of alternating right and left hand at his discretion.
– When lifting, the block must be grasped with one hand only (it is possible to help the setting with the other hand before lifting);
– To help make the execution more flexible it is not necessary to use the reference rod for the 15cm, but the lift must be visibly fluid and controlled (even in the negative phase). If the block slips the repetition will not be calculated as valid;
– The hands do not have to be forcibly alternated with each repetition, so if one of the two gets tired first, you can continue with just the other;
– There is no limit to the pauses, all valid repetitions accumulated in the three minutes will be counted (the timer starts from the first repetition); – For the test to be valid, the athlete must perform a minimum of 10 complete repetitions within the three minutes.
Duration of the challenge from the first of November until the end of December 2023.
The first three classified will receive a certificate certifying the result obtained!
Have fun and happy Pinch Challenge everyone!
Amateur: 20kg
Advanced: 30kg
Pros: 40kg

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