Interview with Batraz Tibilov

17 May 2020 - Ore 23:46

There is always an air of strength on Grip and Bend Italia, and we are always happy to host people who enrich our lives with their stories and their contribution.

Today I am proud to host a Russian friend, whom I have followed and admired for years and from whom I draw considerable inspiration. Humble and helpful person, but don’t underestimate him, because he has a shocking strength! Let’s welcome Batraz Tibilov!


Hi Bat, thanks for joining us! It is really a real pleasure for me to be able to host you in GBI’s virtual space.

Greetings to all fans of the grip and bending strength of steel. I am very pleased to be part of our common history, which we are doing now. Thank you my friend for doing a lot for our movement.

First of all, it’s always nice to know the origins of people and a little bit of their past. Where were you born Bat and how do you define your childhood?

I was born in the small republic of North Ossetia Alania in the city of Vladikavkaz. From time immemorial, my people have always been considered as a strong body and spirit. Apparently that’s why I have such a love for the Force. He spent his childhood in a village with his grandfather and grandmother, always loved solitude with nature. There, my physical work began. Often he lifted something in the house and liked to work physically.

In Russia we know that sport is of considerable importance. What place did you have in your life and what sports did you play in your adolescence?

My childhood was spent in constant training from 6 years old, I went to gymnastics, at 12 years old I began to engage in wrestling. Then he began to pay more attention to working with weights.

Does the monstrous strength you show in your videos come from favorable genetics or have you built up your ability over time?

My grandfather was very strong and my father is also strong. I think my genetics is good. But genetics alone do not achieve the desired goal, hard work is needed, the desire to achieve a specific goal. Then success comes.

You have been a champion of Ghiri sport, with what results?

I very rarely performed at competitions. At the institute he became the champion in heavy weight. I also set a world record in Moscow in 2016, a snatch of two kettlebells in one hand (right) of 32 kg (64 kg) for 8 reps.

Are there other sports you have tried?

Gymnastics, wrestling and arm wrestling.

Your passion for bending steel and destroying objects when it started?

This happened in 2008 when my friend came from Moscow and told me that local athletes bend nails in the gym, we went to the store and bought our first nails 200 mm by 6 mm, I easily bend them. Next, I did after the main training with the bends of bending with nails. Then in 2010 I learned about the American Red Oil and the first in Russia bent it unofficially in a video.

Your brother Robert is very strong with grippers, have you influenced him, or has he always had this nature?

Yes, Robert has a very strong grip, he is especially good at grippers. I showed him how to work with grippers and he began to progress in them.

Robert and Batraz Tibilov


What do you think of the Grip Sport that grows in Italy?

I am very pleased to see my Italians brothers in our sport. In Italy there are a lot of strong athletes and it pleases me. I always liked your country. But most of all I loved Monica Bellucci.

Who inspired your workouts during your interest in strength?

The old time strongmans. I have great respect for that era. These are real heroes for me.

How do you like to train? How do you structure your sessions?

I train as I feel comfortable, I am not building a pre-prepared program. I always train intuitively. Sometimes I can do two workouts a week, sometimes three, and sometimes one.

From experience, what do you think is the fundamental aspect for building strength in the body and in particular in the hands?

I think you need to work primarily with uncomfortable objects such as stones, barrels and bags. Based on my feelings, it was working on these projectiles that personally brought me more benefit than just working with a barbell and dumbbells. Although you have to do everything. And of course, the work on the grip, steel bending.

You launched your own line of steel bars, a certification is also foreseen, right?

Yes, I decided to make my certification. I like this thing, I live it, I’ve been doing bending for more than 10 years, so I decided to try to open the certification and called it Noble Force.

Of all the bars you’ve folded and certified, which one are you most satisfied with?

Good question? Probably not yet. I think it will be Red nail when I bend it with my bare hands.

 And personal records that you are very proud of, what are they?

This is probably the rise with the middle fingers on the eagle loops on axle 306 kg. This is a very important record for me. I hope I kill him and lift 310 kg.

What plans have you set in mind for the next few years?

Set more records and attract as many people as possible to our sport.

Thanks Bat for your contribution, we at GBI wish you the best for the realization of your goals! See you soon!

Thank you so much for the opportunity to chat. I wish you success!



Giorgio Giannico


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