GBI online Records Certifications

After years of training, challenges and lifts of all kinds in Grip Sport, I have touched firsthand the importance of having a goal for an athlete who has the possibility of being able to deal with people at great distances, evaluating their strength level and evaluating the level of strength having the opportunity to sit in the game.

In fact, classic competitions, with a physical location to reach, remain the best way to judge and standardize a given lift, with the same parameters and conditions for all athletes. Nothing can be superior to a judgment story. In any case, as is the case with other nations.

I am convinced that this choice will appeal to many fans of the sector and I hope it will contribute to thrill more athletes over time, who will be able to meet during future races on the Italian territory.



The valid equipment will be all the original GBI ones regardless of the year of production. Then Solid Rolling Handle (SRH), Monolitic MegaHub, Vertical Bar, OkayLift, Breakfinger, Damned and Stilus,  including the Ignorant Lifting line.

To consider a lift valid, the following requirements must be met:


1) The weight must be raised from the ground by 15 cm, then using a reference bar or the measurement from the floor of an object that will subsequently be measured and shown in the video;

2) The lifted weight must be weighed on a scale showing first the zero “0” and then the total load;

3) The load must be placed on a loading bar of any brand;

4) The athlete may use powder or liquid chalk. No bandages on the wrists or fingers are allowed;

5) At the time of lifting, the free hand must not be in contact with the raised tool;

6) Before or after lifting, frame the GBI tool closely to validate the performance (For SRH, rotate the roller);

7) In the “For Reps” tests, perform a minimum of 3 repetitions (always with the same hand) with a height of 15 cm to be respected. You will have 1 minute from the first lift to perform the greatest number of lifts and with no rest limits. In the ranking the weight will always prevail over the number of repetitions.

8) In the “Hold” tests the weight must be held for a minimum of 5 seconds, without height restrictions; The second, for the convenience of calculation and management, will be calculated exclusively as round cipher, therefore 5, 6 or 7 seconds. The 5,5, 6,5, etc … will therefore be eliminated;

9) We recommend a video with good lighting and framing of the performance. Any doubts about videos of unclear interpretation could cause the test to be canceled;



  • The preferred channel to send the video to GBI is Instagram (by Tag or by message), or by email: Always indicate your name, surname and country. Thank you!


The weight increase in the “For Reps” trials will be as follows:

– SRH from 40kg step of 5 kg ( 45, 50, 55, ecc…)– Monolithic OHP (One Hand Pinch) from 15 kg step of 2,5 kg (17,5, 20, 22,5, ecc…)– Monolithic THP (Two Hands Pinch) from 40kg step of 5 kg ( 45, 50, 55, ecc…)– MegaHub / MegaHub THP  from 15 kg step of 2,5 kg (17,5, 20, 22,5, ecc…)– Vertical Bar from 40kg step of 5 kg ( 45, 50, 55, ecc…)
– Stilus from 40kg step of 5 kg ( 45, 50, 55, ecc…)


In “For Reps” performance due to weighing errors due to scales, 100 g will be deducted from the weight lower than the category. Example if SRH with 50 kg and at the time of weighing will mark 49.90 kg, the 50 kg category will still be considered. If 49.85 kg then it will drop to the lower category level, in this case the 45 kg SRH category.




The rankings relating to GBI equipment will refer only to the dominant hand:


The certifications will officially certify the achievement of results considered important and worthy of respect by the world of Grip Sport, which knows and understands the difficulties of lifting and the hard work to obtain them. The certificate also represents a strong motivational drive to reach ever higher levels of personal growth as an athlete and strength builder.The certifications (which will be free and in digital format) will be obtained according to levels of increasing difficulty and for the tests listed below:



The certifications will officially certify the achievement of results considered important and worthy of respect by the world of Grip Sport, which knows and understands the difficulties of lifting and the hard work to obtain them. The certificate also represents a strong motivational drive to reach ever higher levels of personal growth as an athlete and strength builder.

The certifications (which will be free and in digital format) will be obtained according to levels of increasing difficulty and for the tests listed below:









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